
Question: Where are you based ?
Answer: Our main base is Miami, Florida with a strong precense in Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco and Amsterdam.

Question: Are your services managed ?
Answer: All of our products and services are managed unless specially stated so. We are primarily a tech/support company.

Question: How long have you been in business?
Answer: We have been in business since 2000, over 12 years and counting.

Question: How fast are you
Answer: 100% of our bandwidth is premium. We are very fast, faster then most content delivery networks/clouds out there for a fraction of the cost.

Question: Do you mix/blend your own bandwidth ?
Answer: No we don’t, we have premium bandwidth , that would be like pouring Water into Scotch.

Question: Do you offer shared hosting?
Answer: We are not taking shared hosting clients because there is no real way to protect the resources per user, we do keep shared hosting for current client. We do offer some very affordable VPS tied per CPU starting at 49.99USD.

Question: Do you install scripts ?
Answer: Yes we do install the most common scripts without charge. :)

Question: Do you secure your servers? Answer: We are very big on security. Question: Do you move servers ?
Answer: Yes, we will move your server over at no cost. :)

Question: My server keeps getting hacked in my other host.
Answer: We will clean the hack for you.

Question: Will you add domains, crons, and databases for me ?
Answer: Of course we will, this is included in all our services and products.

Question: Are you familiar with:



Kernel Video Sharing







Answer: Hell yeah! We have them all in speed dial :)

Question: Do you offer video streaming services?
Answer: Yes, thats one of our main areas, we excel at video streaming services.

Question: Do you offer support/security services outside hour hosted services.
Answer: We do manage several server in other networks, we are primarily a hosting support company.


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